Main Objective of this blog post is to teach you how to setup Laravel 4 on Mac
Step 1 Basic System Requirements
- PHP 5.3.7 or higher version.
- MCrypt PHP Extension
- Composer Dependency Manager for PHP
- Mcrypt
Step 2 Download Composer
Download composer from https://getcomposer.org/download/
Step 3 Open Terminal
Open Terminal and paste follwoing line then press enter. "curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php"
Step 4 Downaload Mcrypt Installer for MAC
After installing composer, download the Mcrypt installer for MAC.
Go to http://topicdesk.com/downloads/mcrypt/mcrypt-download to download Mcrypt.
Step 5 Open Terminal and Write Following Command
After successful installation of Mcrypt, open terminal and write following command
"composer create-project Laravel/Laravel=4.0 your-project-name --prefer-dist"
Step 6 Start Laravel Development Server
After setup is done successfully, start Laravel development server.
Change your directory to your application in terminal
"cd your project-directory" then
"php artisan serve"
Now go to your browser and check your Laravel 4 at its default link:
I hope you find this tutorial helpful. If you are facing any issues or have any questions regarding Laravel Installtion in MAC, please feel free to post a reply over here, I would be glad to help you.
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